Best of Normandy - lifelong memories of an incredible region.

Our service is completely bespoke to your requirements. No other service offers the same level of commitment and flexibility to work with you in advance of your visit as we plan together your visit in order to ensure you get the very most from the time you spend in Normandy.

Whether you want to find the region's best tour guide, or need advice in booking a hotel or restaurant, or need help in putting a whole itinerary together, no matter how big or small your request is, we can help.

As an example of what we can offer, we have detailed below a five day / four night itinerary, with the tour commencing and concluding in Paris. This suggestion is intended as an overview of key elements of the region's history and culture; these being the Viking origins of Normandy, its artistic past, the food and drink of the area and also an insight into the D-Day landings. Of course, if you wish to omit one of these elements, or add days to the itinerary in order to focus in greater depth on one aspect or another, this is no problem - after all this is your visit and we want you to get the greatest insight possible into our incredible region.


Day one.

The last thing you need after a long Trans-Atlantic flight is the hassle of a cab rank and then trying to explain to the driver where you need to be. We make arrangements on your behalf with the most reliable English speaking chauffeurs who will be waiting for you at the airport's arrivals gate in order to transfer you to your hotel in Normandy. If time allows, why not stop at Honfleur for a stroll round the medieval quayside. No need to worry about where to eat, rely on us to reserve you a table at one of the region's most authentic bistros. maybe you would like a brief walking tour of the town, anything is possible with 'Best of Normandy' working on your behalf.

After a brief introduction to the region's maritime heritage, its on to the beautiful old medieval town of Bayeux in order to check in at your exclusively selected hotel (Bayeux has a wealth of hotels, from two to five stars), we have been working with the town's hoteliers for two decades, we know who we can rely on to provide you with the most comfortable stay.   


Day two.

For many people, the region of Normandy is synominous with the Allied invasion of the 6th June,1944. This is very special history, and whilst there are literally hundreds of tour guides plying their trade in escorting visitors to the D-Day Beaches, these guides vary greatly in their knowledge and ability to interpret this hollowed ground. We know who the best guides are, we have the contacts to secure the services of the very best historians who can provide your group with an unforgettable visit to the D-Day battlefields.

Iconic sites such as Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, Sainte Mere Eglise, Pointe du Hoc and the American Cemetery can all be incorporated into a day's visit to the D-Day battlefields. You'll be emotionally drained after such an incredible day, but once again, you can trust us to reserve you a table at one of Bayeux's very best restaurants.


Day three.

Staying in the beautiful medieval town of Bayeux. Here we can join our specialist guide who will walk you round the old town, this shall include visits to both the 950 year old cathedral and the famous Bayeux Tapestry. Day three of your tour could also take a look at how the region's famous cider and Calvados (apple brandy) is made, this would of course include a tasting of one of Normandy's most famous products.

Again, we know the region, we've been working alongside the region's hoteliers and restaranteurs for over two decades, we know the best places to go, and more importantly, we know how to avoid the numerous pitfalls of staying in what is a very busy town, full of visitors and inevitably possessing its fair share of tourist traps. 



Day four.

Today you could journey to the western limit of Normandy before, if at least only very briefly, we cross the border in to Normandy's neighbouring region of Brittany. Here, you have the opportunity of taking lunch in the famous port of Cancale where arguably the world's best oysters and mussels are grown.

After lunch you shall spend the afternoon at Mont St Michel. Often described as the eighth wonder of the world, one of the island's own specialist guides shall explain how the community here has evolved over the last 1,300 years. You shall be led through the narrow medieval streets, skipping the line as you enter the magnificent abbey built by the Normans almost a thousand years ago. After your tour concludes you shall have free time to explore further at your own pace before you return to your accommodation.


Day five.

Today you shall make the return journey back to Paris. En-route maybe you could visit the beautiful village of Giverny where you shall have the opportunity of visiting Monet's home and gardens. Here at Giverny, the history of not just the life of Claude Monet, but the whole story of the Impressionist movement is presented to you through the lives of those who pioneered a movement still thought of today as one of the most important in the history of art.

Having gained a wonderful insight into the region of Normandy your tour shall then conclude in the mid-afternoon at your choice of location in Paris.  

Whatever your choice of focus and whatever the duration your tour may be, we are certain that if you trust your lanning to Best of Normandy, your whole group will enjoy a once in a lifetime visit to an unforgettable region.